A Mnemonic Profile:
First an explanation of the symbol, as googled
(sources not cited)
The central design is a very ancient one called a "Triskelion" - a three-armed spiral. During the Middle Ages a variation on this pattern was adopted as the symbol of the Isle of Man, which lies between Britain and Ireland in the middle of the Irish Sea. The island was of tremendous strategic importance in those days, since a navy based there could dominate the passage between those two islands. These days it mainly seems to be a nice place to take a vacation.
This Celtic symbol, known as a Triskel, is used to symbolize the cycles of life with in the three fold, or three spheres of influnce in the material world. The three spheres (Land, Sea and Sky) represents the three aspects of the material world that are contained in every object. Each aspect ever flowing outward and always returning to the point from which it started.
I was given an assist by Surreal Branson:
Dear Chris_Titan
I noticed you curiosity at the logo/glyph weilded by our new blogger Yantra. I thought I would set your mind at ease. As an Englishman I recognised it instantly as a celtic brooch. A quick google search led me to the source of the image.
Reference #BR002.
I know the design well and it is quite common. It does not represent any form of organisation. Whether or not Yantra does in fact have reliable sources that say Dan Pritchard was tortured, the Brooch has nothing to do with it.
On a slightly different note, I find it much more likely that Yantra merely made a small story to get traffic flowing to his new blog. After all, Neurocam has always been about making up little stories hasnt it? However, stranger things have happened. I am sure you will agree.
Surreal Branson.
"It does not represent any form of organisation."
I don't think that is a safe assumption. When we see the use of a symbol occur multiple times with multiple individuals...it is safe to assume that a Meme is being socially contrstructed. It may not be a full blown Organization, but it does show some signs of organization...
At least this shows an celtic alignment for both Luther and Yantra
Assumption is a level of perception.
Perception is a level of conscious thought.
The Ideal knows the difference between conscious perception and assumed perceptive reality.
Act in haste repent at leisure.
"Talk to me Jonny"
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