Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Magickal War
Here is a primer of actual Magickal Warefare. This is a true story.
There is a parallel in here for those with eyes to see and ears to hear...
Friday, June 24, 2005
The Longer Line by Howard Campbell
Few folks remember that Howard Campbell sent me a copy of Poker Without Cards that he signed and I was supposed to give away at the Donut Event last July(04) in Arcata,CA at Don's Donuts. Since no one showed up because I had it at three in the morning to keep out the riff raff I have kept the book. It does not have a strange sculpture, but I was told that it was the "full glossery" version...what ever that means.
El-Centro is history and I did not do so well myself. El-Centro was wicked because a green emerald donut fnord I posted and infected the gil-bot with was later used as a pass-word.
El-Centro was also wierd because all the stuff I tried to follow was all false trails.
I still contend that El-Centro put you into a trance that only Poker Without Cards could snap you out of. PWC is like an antidote for mind-control.
PWC is homeopathic: it is itself a very tiny dose of mind-control.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Stuck in New York
Hey, what am I doing standing here on the corner of
West 8th Street and 6th Avenue and...
Ah, skip it
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The Unexpected Gift
Ms. Fisher arrived in Eureka around 10:30 in the morning or that is when I received a call from her liaison Mr. Reginald Rowland. Mr.Rowland informed me that they would be spending the day in the Redwoods and had planed to have a nice dinner in town. He informed me that they would stop by the lab after dinner. He asked me to keep it short as they would be very tired. I guess I had hoped I was going to get to give them the Grand Tour. I thought I might become chums with Ms. Fisher, especially when I was going to have such good intell to share in addition to the Tesla-Retinal tech. Things didn't work out the way I thought.
Drink in moderation!
Around 9:45 in the evening a car pulled up to the labs and I went out to meet them. They exited the car laughing and having a really good time. I had prepared a small area where I could show the evolution of our process and some of the history. Ms. Fisher was all about business and started asking me questions immediately. Mr. Reginald Rowland was taking notes but it had nothing to do with what Ms. Fisher was saying. I could tell that she knew all about the development that our labs had done and even corrected me on a date. She knew exactly what she came for, she wanted to see it with her own eyes. I knew that by the way she held the original newspaper article that talks about Tesla photographing thoughts, she wanted to see the original and not a copy...not someones word for it.
I briefly showed her how we worked with the tissues and discovered the mitogenic radiations could be harnessed. I felt like I was doing a silly science fair project...it was not going at all as planned. I was going to explain the deeper side of psychotronic electro-exploration, but this was just extemporaneous.
Ms. Fisher then had a surprise for me. She requested that I dismiss the patient that I was going to have demonstrated on and undergo the surgery myself, as a show of good faith in the actual tech. She wanted to know I would stand behind my research. I put on the gowns and they rolled me in. It really was a snap, especially with a little Compound A, which is what we are stuck with using. We don't have the fancy compounds the Neurocam has.
Yes this is me!
I can explain a little bit about this because it is not Neurocam technology...yet. It is quite simple. We have researched the electro-potentials in simian tissues until we could shrink down a tiny resonance chip that modulates the rods and cones of the eye.
We surgically implant this chip into the retina and it picks up or broadcasts images to the visual cortex of your brain. You see it, can record it and see it again. The chip we have developed based on Tesla's resonance frequency research lacks the true perception enhancements that Neurocam is famous for. This is one of the inventions that Tesla took the secrets to with him to the grave.
The surgery was short and Ms. Fisher and her team gathered round and watched intently until the chip was implanted deep into my eye. I was able to register an image and repeat it, 3 out of 5 times...which is slightly lower than our average laboratory performance. Mr. Reginald Rowland excused them saying that it was late and they had to travel again in the morning. Ms. Fisher thanked me for my cooperation and said that it was very informative.
Never a word about any problems, but then not much was said...I did all the talking and then I laid there and had a new chip put in my eye. It was strictly scientific. One of her assistants, weird eyes on this guy, ducked back in after everyone was in the car with a file to review, he said it had some data that I would be interested in.
I wonder if I did something to make them not want to hang out and get to know each other?
Ms. Fisher did give me a present. It was technology from the 60's which inspired many of the experiments currently performed by Neurocam International. This was something that inspired the story of Austin Powers.
She knows I am a collector.
She said something very cryptic to me as she handed it to me:
Don't pull the mote out of your brothers eye, until you pull the beam out of your own.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
She IS Coming!
In honor of her visit and because I think we need more honest puzzles in Neurocam. Borderland Sciences is offering the following
Kook Science Trivia question.
The first person to answer the following question will receive a free copy of The Journal of Borderland Research ($30.00 value) including free shipping anywhere in the world.
What sort of flock of birds attacked Nickola Tesla when he was just a boy?
Hey, I ain't rich...I eat beans and a roast feeds me for three days. But you have my word friends...first to answer this will get this journal of weird science on 'Physics and Perception'. All you need to solve it is all online if you can find it.
Gotta get back, you know how much time it takes to set up even a small lab demonstration...and this one is going to be Grand! Pulled out all the stops.
First time entry in my e-mail box will win the prize!
Saturday, May 07, 2005
The Magick of Love
This is to be taken as meaning that while Will is the Law, the nature of that Will is Love. But this love is as it were a by-product of that Will; it does not contradict or supersede that Will: and if apparent contradiction should arise in any crisis, it is the Will that will guide us aright. Love is easily counterfeited. Lo, while n the Book of the Law much is made of Love, there is no word of Sentimentality. Hate itself is almost like Love! Fighting most certainly is Love! "As Brothers fight ye!"All the manly races of the world understand this. The Love of Liber Legis is always bold, verile, ecstatic, even orgiastic. There is delicacy, but it is the delicacy of strength. Mighty and terrible and glorious as it is, however, is but the pennon upon the sacred lance of Will, the damascened inscriptions upon the swords of the Knight-monks of Thelima."
-Message from The Master Therion, 1917
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Remote View
The Prisoners' Dilemma
The Prisoners' Dilemma
Cooperation is usually analysed in game theory by means of a non-zero-sum game called the "Prisoner's Dilemma" (Axelrod, 1984). The two players in the game can choose between two moves, either "cooperate" or "defect". The idea is that each player gains when both cooperate, but if only one of them cooperates, the other one, who defects, will gain more. If both defect, both lose (or gain very little) but not as much as the "cheated" cooperator whose cooperation is not returned. The whole game situation and its different outcomes can be summarized by table 1, where hypothetical "points" are given as an example of how the differences in result might be quantified.
Action of A\Action of B Cooperate Defect
Cooperate Fairly good [+ 5] Bad [ - 10]
Defect Good [+ 10] Mediocre [0]
Table 1: outcomes for actor A (in words, and in hypothetical "points") depending on the combination of A's action and B's action, in the "prisoner's dilemma" game situation. A similar scheme applies to the outcomes for B.
The game got its name from the following hypothetical situation: imagine two criminals arrested under the suspicion of having committed a crime together. However, the police does not have sufficient proof in order to have them convicted. The two prisoners are isolated from each other, and the police visit each of them and offer a deal: the one who offers evidence against the other one will be freed. If none of them accepts the offer, they are in fact cooperating against the police, and both of them will get only a small punishment because of lack of proof. They both gain. However, if one of them betrays the other one, by confessing to the police, the defector will gain more, since he is freed; the one who remained silent, on the other hand, will receive the full punishment, since he did not help the police, and there is sufficient proof. If both betray, both will be punished, but less severely than if they had refused to talk. The dilemma resides in the fact that each prisoner has a choice between only two options, but cannot make a good decision without knowing what the other one will do.
Such a distribution of losses and gains seems natural for many situations, since the cooperator whose action is not returned will lose resources to the defector, without either of them being able to collect the additional gain coming from the "synergy" of their cooperation. For simplicity we might consider the Prisoner's dilemma as zero-sum insofar as there is no mutual cooperation: either each gets 0 when both defect, or when one of them cooperates, the defector gets + 10, and the cooperator - 10, in total 0. On the other hand, if both cooperate the resulting synergy creates an additional gain that makes the sum positive: each of them gets 5, in total 10.
The gain for mutual cooperation (5) in the prisoner's dilemma is kept smaller than the gain for one-sided defection (10), so that there would always be a "temptation" to defect. This assumption is not generally valid. For example, it is easy to imagine that two wolves together would be able to kill an animal that is more than twice as large as the largest one each of them might have killed on his own. Even if an altruistic wolf would kill a rabbit and give it to another wolf, and the other wolf would do nothing in return, the selfish wolf would still have less to eat than if he had helped his companion to kill a deer. Yet we will assume that the synergistic effect is smaller than the gains made by defection (i.e. letting someone help you without doing anything in return).
This is realistic if we take into account the fact that the synergy usually only gets its full power after a long term process of mutual cooperation (hunting a deer is a quite time-consuming and complicated business). The prisoner's dilemma is meant to study short term decision-making where the actors do not have any specific expectations about future interactions or collaborations (as is the case in the original situation of the jailed criminals). This is the normal situation during blind-variation-and-selective-retention evolution. Long term cooperations can only evolve after short term ones have been selected: evolution is cumulative, adding small improvements upon small improvements, but without blindly making major jumps.
The problem with the prisoner's dilemma is that if both decision-makers were purely rational, they would never cooperate. Indeed, rational decision-making means that you make the decision which is best for you whatever the other actor chooses. Suppose the other one would defect, then it is rational to defect yourself: you won't gain anything, but if you do not defect you will be stuck with a -10 loss. Suppose the other one would cooperate, then you will gain anyway, but you will gain more if you do not cooperate, so here too the rational choice is to defect. The problem is that if both actors are rational, both will decide to defect, and none of them will gain anything. However, if both would "irrationally" decide to cooperate, both would gain 5 points. This seeming paradox can be formulated more explicitly through the principle of suboptimization.
More Links
More Links
the Selfish Gene
Our genes made use. We animals exist for their preservation and are nothing more than their throwaway survival machines. The world of the selfish gene is one of savage competition, ruthless exploitation, and deceit. But what of the acts of apparent altruism found in nature - the bees who commit suicide when they sting to protect the hive, or the birds who warn the flock of an approaching hawk ? Do they contravene the fundamental law of gene selfishness ? By no means: Dawkins shows that the selfish gene is also the subtle gene. And he holds out the hope that our species - alone on earth - has the power to rebel against the designs of the selfish gene. This book is a call to arms. It is both a manual and a manifesto, and it grips like a thriller.
The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins' brilliant first book and still his most famous, is an international best seller in 13 languages. For this new edition, end notes have been added, giving fascination reflections on the original text, and there are two major new chapters
Tesla's Neurocam
Borderlands specializes in digging into the past lost sciences to find the discoveries of tomarrow.
Ms. Fisher is interested in the following archive material, which I have presented for any of our operatives who may have an interest in the technical development of Neurocam's technology.
The Kansas City Journal-Post, September, 10 1933
"I expect to photograph thoughts," announced Mr. Tesla calmly, in the same tone of voice that a person occupied with some trivial things in the scheme of life might announce that it was going to rain.
Continued Mr. Tesla: "In 1893, while engaged in certain investigations, I became convinced that a definite image formed in thought must, by reflex action, produce a corresponding image on the retina, which might possibly be read by suitable apparatus. This brought me to my system of television, which I announced at that time.
"My idea was to employ an artificial retina receiving the image of the object seen, an 'optic nerve' and another such retina at the place of reproduction. These two retinas were to be constructed after the fashion of a checkerboard with many separate little sections, and the so-called optic nerve was nothing more than a part of the earth.
"An invention of mine enables me to transmit simultaneously, and without any interference whatsoever, hundreds of thousands of distinct impulses through the ground just as though I had so many separate wires. I did not contemplate using any moving part - a scanning apparatus or a cathodic ray, which is a sort of moving device, the use of which I suggested in one of my lectures.
"Now if it be true that a thought reflects an image on the retina, it is a mere question of illuminating the same property and taking photographs, and then using the ordinary methods which are available to project the image on a screen.
"If this can be done successfully, then the objects imagined by a person would be clearly reflected on the screen as they are formed, and in this way every thought of the individual could be read. Our minds would then, indeed, be like open books..
Ms.Fisher to tour Borderland Sciences
Ms. Khan was so gracious with her sentiments from Ms. Fisher I thought I would share them with the California operatives.
Chris Titan
Date:Wed, 4 May 2005 06:20:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:Re: Cali Visit
From:"Ms. Madeline Khan" <madeline.khan@neurocam.com> Add to Address Book
To:"Chris Titan" christitan718@yahoo.com
Dear Operative Chris Titan,
I am writing to confirm that Ms. Fisher will be coming to Eureka to
visit the Borderland Sciences Laboratory in May.
Despite your kind offer, there is no need for you to fly to Los
Ms. Fischer’s schedule whilst in Los Angeles is already hectic and we
see no need to further complicate her journey.
This same schedule has necessitated the cancellation of the intended
Los Angeles based field agents "meet and greet", an outcome which Ms.
Fischer finds personally disappointing.
Ms. Fischer wishes to assure you that she is extremely pleased with the
performance of the Californian operatives and regrets the cancellation
at such late a stage in the proceedings.
As per our previous conversation, I can confirm that Ms. Fisher is
extremely interested in the advances in Tesla's resonant frequency that
Borderland Sciences has researched. Please prepare the archive which
contains the previously discussed news clipping from the Kansas City
Journal-Post Sunday, Sept 10, 1933, in anticipation of Ms. Fischer’s
visit. Ms. Fischer is eager to discuss the article with you and has
expressed an interest in your development of the artificial checker
board retinas. Please ensure that samples of these developments are
available in the lab for observation.
In addition, Ms. Fischer has also never seen the Redwood trees and has
insisted that during our sojourn north that we make time to see the
world’s tallest trees.
Ms. Madeline Khan
Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer
Neurocam International
NO BROWNIE 05/05/05
The Cheschhire Cat is not to be trusted...
...if you will lie about a BROWNIE...you will lie about anything...
...Where is your integrety Mr. Cat?
You reflect poorly on all your associates...especially,Pritchard and Sampson...they can hardly be trusted...asthey have put their faith in your efforts...you have embarrased the mnemonics development department...with out-right lies and disinformation.
Let's just say that they EYE is now upon you...and if you cannot resolve the duality of the triangles and do not ship a brownie to the address posted to the "Scientology Blind" post...the results can only be considered as half real and half story, but once you get caught up in a titanic toxic tale...
Anyhoo, for my freinds...some levity...
The hash brownie, hilarious party favour and folk medicine of thousands, has attracted the attention of the white coats. On August 21, a trio of non-governmental pharmacologists at the Neurosciences Institute of San Diego announced that chocolate prolongs and intensifies the good feelings of THC, something cannabis consumers have known for decades.
The special effects resulting from the combination of marijuana and chocolate are due to the subtle interplay of anandamide,, an organic chemical that by the grace of God is present in the natural human brain, and most curiously, within that of the humble sea urchin as well.
Israeli biochemist Raphael Menchoulam first isolated the premier psychoactive delta-9 THC in 1964. In 1989, US scientist William Devane tracked down the anandamide receptor sites that interact with the THC metabolites that the brain persuades the hands to put into the body.
Anandamides appear to have an almost universal effect. Tiny amounts of purified anandamides were given to lucky laboratory animals, and a euphoric high was induced. Anandamide has now been shown to be present in chocolate as well.
"In principle, one could have a synergy between the two, but the effect of the hashish would still be overwhelming" says neurosciences researcher Daniele Pionet. Sounds like she had a bit too much fun at the staff picnic, but not to worry.
"It occurred to us that many cannabis users experience chocolate cravings. We were intrigued by the correlation, particularly because chocolate is rich in fats and anandamide is itself a fatty substance. We hypothesized that anandamides might be present in chocolate."
The team analyzed dark chocolate from three different confectionary chocolate manufacturers from three different countries. They found that the levels of anandamides varied greatly between samples, with the highest level being ten times greater than the lowest. The researchers declined to say which brand of chocolate melts in your mind to best effect, for fear that their discovery would lead to a run on the market.
The research team also discovered two additional cannabinoids that occur naturally in chocolate. In the lab, these new substances dramatically slowed the breakdown of anandamides. This suggests that these choco-cannabinoids don't create a new high so much as they tend to prolong the old one. Hence, the long smooth buzz after chowing down a good wack of homegrown baking.
Traditional Chinese medicine has known for centuries that certain "magic plants" such as cannabis and ginseng will amplify the physical effects of other plant drugs. Thus their herbal prescriptions are usually a blend of herbs, unlike Western medicine which tends to use a single substance in concentrated form.
And so we see that modern pharmacology is starting to take notice of the untapped potential of cannabis as a legitimate medicine, even if they are only tickling it with a ten foot pole and dipping it in chocolate to appease the DEA.
If you would like to contribute to the world fund of knowledge and want to try this at home, start with good cannabis and the best chocolate. Shop for chunks of dark bitter baking chocolate or the darkest and most pungent cocoa powder you can find, avoiding cheap candy bars which are full of wax filler and sugar.
In order of potency, the best chocolates are: Baker's, Fry's, Cadbury, Hershey, Nestle, Rowntree. They will all differ in anandamide intensity because cocoa is sourced from many different parts of the globe.
~ Dr Alexander Sumach
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Lyssa Ling
:: start 184302 +000000
:: start 185212 +000000
:: archive location { dev 4 }
:: index { no }
:: retention { 1 }
:: processing time { 0.48 }
// labeled A;
// triangulated location mapped;
// passive badge { present }
// badge query { ling, s {995ae} }
Waiting long [,] sis [?]
// not yet reviewed
// labeled B;
// triangulated location mapped;
// passive badge { present }
// badge query { ling, l {640ea} }
Oh [!] You surprised me.
// not yet reviewed
// 15% positive emotional state
// cross reference surveillance footage
{ extrapolated: badge {line 16} extracted }
{ gatekeeper system 24;
active badge interrogated, passed }
Are you mooning on about James again [?]
// not yet reviewed
I was thinking about [.] You know [,] them [.]
// not yet reviewed
Yeah [?]
// not yet reviewed
And from 6290435729.cache we know that Lyssa Ling was around the security sytems, and she was "surprised" - rather interrupted - when sy walked up to her. So what do you think, is it possible, that she was one of the thieves?
Joined: 18 Mar 2005
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:45 pm Post subject:
From the first time I read the security logs and internal emails, Lyssa has been my prime suspect.
1. Her sister works the security gate, which gives her a bit of inside knowledge regarding the security procedures.
2. The gatekeeper system assessed her as having a 15% positive emotional state - even Henrik, with Sente breathing down his neck, had an 89% positive state.
3. She was distracted when her sister let her in, claiming she was thinking about "them" (us?).
4. In the friendly emailing back and forth about the shoes, she was the only one who didn't contribute to the conversation.
5. When Henrik warned Sarah about not shutting the equipment down properly, she says that Lyssa was also running tests at the time. Telling Henrik to check the logs suggests she is confident of her innocence, leaving Lyssa as the probable culprit.
I think Lyssa had both the means and the opportunity. As for motive, that's anyone's guess.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Italian Cults make the News
I was not suprised to see that the activities of certain Italian cults had not escaped the eyes of the authorities.
From Philosophy to Psychology and Back: The Role of Richard Semon in Russell’s Analysis of Mind
From Philosophy to Psychology and Back: The Role of Richard Semon in Russell’s Analysis of Mind
Christopher Pincock (Purdue University)
One of the most vexing issues for Russell scholars is to explain what could be called Russell’s ‘psychological turn’ in the Analysis of Mind of 1921. In this paper I examine the role of the German psychologist Richard Semon (1859-1918) in Russell’s thinking between 1913 and the Analysis of Mind. While Slater has recognized the “profound effect” (Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, volume 9, xx) that Semon had on Russell, no sustained investigations of this effect have yet been made.
Based on correspondence, I date Russell’s study of Semon to the summer of 1919. Just prior to this Russell had tried to give a largely physiological or even behavioristic analysis of belief. But upon reading Semon, Russell placed Semon’s “mnemic images” at the heart of his approach and by 1923 he was prepared to criticize Ogden and Richards for not using images in their account of representation: “they pride themselves on not using images in their account of reference, yet it is difficult to see how anything except an image of a flame can have the requisite similarity to what has been formerly caused by a flame” (ibid., pp. 136-137). The bulk of the paper presents the steps that led Russell to this conclusion. It is especially puzzling in light of Russell’s earlier claims that a subject can be directly acquainted with non-mental entities.
In the end, I conclude that Russell changed his views based on the confluence of philosophical and scientific factors. Philosophically, Semon’s images filled out his new conception of belief and so finally allowed him to overcome the problems with propositions that sunk the 1913 Theory of Knowledge manuscript. These developments in psychology, though, also fit in with Russell’s desire to use philosophy to give sophisticated interpretations of our best scientific theories. This responsiveness to science is at the heart of his later rejection of images, so that by 1926 Russell could claim ““images” should not be introduced in explaining “meaning”” (ibid., 140). By this time, though, the science that occupied Russell’s attention was physics.
Monday, April 25, 2005
The Glory of Ms.Zelle
I cannot sit by while Ms. Zelle is abused by bloggers.
I have to admit that I find her to be wonderful. Of course I don't know her, how do you approach such a woman...but I would like to think that she...
...well, that she is sitting at her computer with her hair down finishing a glass of wine...an enexpensive meritage.
She reads my blog last because it gives her the best dreams...
Tonight I want to dedicate the following lines to a Neurocam Agent who no doubt has transcended to an exquisite level of consciousness...
Fortean Bureau
Though she dwelt in timelessness, the Diva had an acute sense of time. Every tick of the galaxy was a strike across her heart, reminding the Diva of the excruciating, ubiquitous nearness of her lover (were his dark atoms passing through her light ones right now?) but also the immense distance of time between them.
It wasn't boredom that pained her, since she was so many things at once. While the Diva stirred thin matter in that lonely gulf and longed for the end, she was also a quasar blazing at the heart of a distant galaxy and an upwelling of phosphorescent life in the organic atmosphere of a gaseous planet. She was a creek full of lusty frogs, a nebula gasping ionized gas, a fissure in the flank of a volcano. She was nearing the end of her exploration into all possible matters, wearying of the same atoms dancing with themselves and yearning for something different. Like a young girl with a pretend partner, the Diva would whirl as a binary star clutching its identical companion, herself to herself, and yearn for the day when she would again have her lover, the Eleatic One, to seduce, seize, and to bite.
A Mnemonic Profile:
First an explanation of the symbol, as googled
(sources not cited)
The central design is a very ancient one called a "Triskelion" - a three-armed spiral. During the Middle Ages a variation on this pattern was adopted as the symbol of the Isle of Man, which lies between Britain and Ireland in the middle of the Irish Sea. The island was of tremendous strategic importance in those days, since a navy based there could dominate the passage between those two islands. These days it mainly seems to be a nice place to take a vacation.
This Celtic symbol, known as a Triskel, is used to symbolize the cycles of life with in the three fold, or three spheres of influnce in the material world. The three spheres (Land, Sea and Sky) represents the three aspects of the material world that are contained in every object. Each aspect ever flowing outward and always returning to the point from which it started.
I was given an assist by Surreal Branson:
Dear Chris_Titan
I noticed you curiosity at the logo/glyph weilded by our new blogger Yantra. I thought I would set your mind at ease. As an Englishman I recognised it instantly as a celtic brooch. A quick google search led me to the source of the image.
Reference #BR002.
I know the design well and it is quite common. It does not represent any form of organisation. Whether or not Yantra does in fact have reliable sources that say Dan Pritchard was tortured, the Brooch has nothing to do with it.
On a slightly different note, I find it much more likely that Yantra merely made a small story to get traffic flowing to his new blog. After all, Neurocam has always been about making up little stories hasnt it? However, stranger things have happened. I am sure you will agree.
Surreal Branson.
"It does not represent any form of organisation."
I don't think that is a safe assumption. When we see the use of a symbol occur multiple times with multiple individuals...it is safe to assume that a Meme is being socially contrstructed. It may not be a full blown Organization, but it does show some signs of organization...
At least this shows an celtic alignment for both Luther and Yantra
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Scientology Blind
"Now, 10 points and a brownie to whoever can tell me where that symbol has been seen before. How utterly confusing. Also, he didn't tell me whether or not they were trying to sell a book! He made at least two spelling mistakes in that e-mail too."
I am very excited about my brownie...and the 10 points!!!!! I really hope you make good on this brownie, you can send it to the office at Borderland Sciences where I work.
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation
P.O. Box 6250
Eureka, CA 95502
I recommend a global priority envelope...its about 12 bucks...or I can arrange for you to use a Visa Card and avoid the shipping charges...
Here is the symbol from the alleged letter from a Scientologist (I debunked the symbol weeks ago) to Mr. Cat

The short answer to win the brownie is the symbol is seem on Henley's Signature that was provided to agents in secret documents by Iocus Severus.
The long answer is why is the Cat planting a fake letter from scientology...I guarantee you I will have an answer pulled out of Peter Moon's new book in a few days...that is the way my investigations work.
Henley a fan of Yellow Propaganda...nawwww... :)
The Augur
Look! Look! upon the tripod through the smoke Of slain things kindled, and fine frankincense. Look deep beyond the phantoms these evoke Are sightless halls where spirit stifles sense. There do I open the old book of Fate Wherein They pictured my delight and me Flushed with the dawn of rapture laureate And leaping with the laughter of ecstacy. Mine eyes grow aged with that hieroglyph Of doom that I have sought : the fatal end. That which is written is written, even if Great Zeus himself great Zeus ! -- were to befriend. Even in the spring of the first floral kiss : "No happy end the gods have given for this ".
Save death alone ! I see no happy end, No happy end for this divine beginning. Child ! let us front a fate too ill to mend, Take joy in suffering for the sake of sinning. Ay ! from your lips I pluck the purple seed Of that pomegranate sleek Persephone Tasted in hell ; the irrevocable deed I do, and it is done. Naught else could be For us, the chosen of so severe a god To act so high a tragedy, the elect To suffer so, and so rejoice, the rod And scourge of our own shame, the gilt and decked Oxen that go to our own sacrifice At our own consecrated shrine of vice.
Our love is like a glittering sabre bloodied With lives of men ; upsoared the sudden sun ; The choral heaven woke ; the aethyr flooded All space with joy that you and I were one. But in the dark and splendid dens of death Arose an echo of that jewelled song : There swept a savour of polluted breath From the lost souls, the unsubstantial throng That tasted once a shadow of our glory And turn them in the evil house to adore The godhead of our sin, the tragic story We have set ourselves to write, the sombre score Our daggers carve with
poesy sublime Upon the roof tree of despair and crime !
There gods descend ; there devils rise. We dance, Dance to the madness of the waning moon, Write centuries of murder in a glance, Chiliads of rape in one unearthly tune. There is the sacrament of sin unveiled And there the abortion of Demeter eaten, The potion of black Dione distilled, The measure of Pan by whirling women beaten. These are but symbols, and our souls the truth ; These sacraments, and we the gods of them ; The sabbath incense curls to us to soothe Our spleen, engarlands us, a diadem For that unutterable deed that hurled Us, flaming thunderbolts ! against the world.
Behold ! I have said. The destiny obscure Of this our deed obscure we shall not skry. We know " no happy end ! "but we endure, Abiding as the Pole Star in the sky. You mix your life in mine then soul in soul We shoot forth, meteors, travelling on and on Far beyond Space to some dark-glimmering goal Where never sun or star hath risen or shone ; Where we shall be the evil light beyond time, Beyond space, beyond thought, supreme in deathless pang ; Nor shall a sound invade that hall of crime, Only the champing of the insatiate fang Of the undying worm our love, fast wed Unto no happy end. Behold ! I have said.
Duck at Haldon Ponds
At evening watches the duck
slow feeding the waterline.
Praises the duck. Such a fine
white miracle breasting the mayfly.
Green of her tail feathers,
space of her neck doubled in water
paddles off with my mind.
Ducks I have known.
Old duck mates of mine
inspecting the meeting of air and liquid.
Make no mistake, duck.
I´d like to eat you well cooked
one bell-battered Sunday in April.
And I´d wear your gorgeous feathers in my hat,
make a soup of the bones
and give your leftovers to the cat.
Ken Smith (b. 1938), from: The Poet Reclining - Selected Poems 1962-1980 (Bloodaxe Books)
Scientology Fnord
I am Charlotte Simmons
Hoyt began moving his lips as if he were trying to suck the ice cream off the top of a cone without using his teeth. She tried to make her lips move in sync with his. The next thing she knew, Hoyt had put his hand sort of under her thigh and hoisted her leg up over his thigh. What was she to do? Was this the point she should say, "Stop!"? No, she shouldn't put it that way. It would be much cooler to say, "No, Hoyt," in an even voice, the way you would talk to a dog that insists on begging at the table.
Eternal Vigilance
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 00:57:17 -0400 (EDT)
Re: Inter-office Mail
"Gertrude Zelle"
"Chris Titan"
Dear Chris Titan,
Firstly, I must make it abundantly clear that Mr. Sampson is a trusted
member of Neurocam International’s upper management. That does not,
however, mean that he is completely beyond reproach.
To paraphrase a well known saying – “The price of security is eternal
I appreciate your concern regarding this matter and am impressed by
your decision to raise this issue with me before engaging in practices which
may prove detrimental to Neurocam International’s reputation.
I have no intention of prohibiting you from commenting, upon your web
journal or those of other Neurocam operatives, on Mr. Sampson’s
correspondence with Mr. Pritchard.
I would, however, remind you that you are current engaged by the organization and so should continue to bring matters, which may bring the organization into disrepute, to my attention and, furthermore, that you should continue to display a modicum of
discretion before making such matters public.
I trust this correspondence satisfactorily addresses your concerns,
but, in the event that you require further clarification, please do not
hesitate to contact me in the future.
Gertrude Zelle
Head, Human Resources Security Division (ACTING)
Neurocam International
Mission Statement
we are a group of architectural action-heroes with an attitude. we study upon kosmic reality and act on deep-shit-real-stuff.
romania is not a context, but a resource.
no nostalgia. looking forward. being optimistic is not just an attitude, but a way to survive.
learning from EN-GROS EUROPA
we are into: building fresh, relaxed, reliable methods to investigate frames in today's news. and we promise to reply.
kosmos module has no internal structure. it is built on people, with people, for the people. anyone can join. the number of the members is not the issue: we can count for 3, 6, 10 or 32 action-heroes.
this group started in an instant. no past. hoping for a future. kosmos is quite a large horizon.
ps: there is no ressspect!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Between Story and Truth
This guy is really cool :D
The wall
Vol II : issue 4
Jean-Luc Nancy
One day, the gods retreated. On their own, they retreated from their divinity, that is to say, from their presence. What remains of their presence is what remains of all presence when it absents itself: what remains is what one can say about it. What can be said about it is what remains when one can no longer address it: neither speak to it, nor touch it, nor see it, nor give it a present.
(One might even say that the gods retreated because one no longer gives a present to their presence: no more sacrifice, no more oblation, except by way of custom or imitation. One has other things to do: write, for example, calculate, do business, legislate. Deprived of presents, presence has retreated.)

Allegory of truth and time by
What one can say of the absenting presence is always one of the two things: its truth, or its story (histoire). Of course, it could even be its true story. But because the presence has fled, it is no longer certain that any story about it can be absolutely true: for, no presence will be able to attest it.
Thus what remains is straightaway divided into two parts: story and truth. The one and the other have the same origin and are related to the same thing: the same presence which has retreated. Its retreat is thus manifested as the line that separates the two, the story and the truth.
One calls mythos the narrative of the divine actions and the passions, among which there are always those which concern the world and its working, man and his fate. Mythos signifies the saying about something, by which one can make known the thing, the situation: in Latin, the narratio of something refers to the knowledge about it. When the gods have retreated, their story can no longer be simply true, nor their truth be simply narrated. There is absence of the presence which would testify to the existence of what is narrated, as well as to the veracity of the words that narrate.
There is absence of the body of gods. Osiris remains dismembered, the great Pan is dead. There is absence of the true body which would pronounce its own truth: its statue spattered with the blood of the victims, permeated by the incense vapours, or even the sacred wood within which one can hear the murmur of the spring into which pours forth a subterranean presence.
This speaking body is missing. What remains is what we can say of it â and the said (le dit) has become incorporeal, like the void, like space and like time. These are the four forms of the incorporeal, that is, the interval in which some bodies can be found, but which is never one body. The interval is ever being opened up and divided. The said is no longer given, attached to the divine body, as prayer on its lips: it is detached from self, it becomes distended, logos.
Truth and narration are separated thus. Their separation is marked by the same line which shows forth in the retreat of the gods. The body of the gods is what remains between the two: there it remains as its own absence. It remains there as the body painted, figured, and narrated: but there is no longer the body as the sacred body.
Between literature and philosophy there is lack of this entwinement, this embracing, this sacred mingling of man with God, that is to say, with animal, with plant, with lightning, and with the rock. The separation between them is indeed that of untwining, unclasping. The mingling that is thus unmingled is divided by the sharpest of blades: but the cut itself forever shows the effects of the entanglement. Between the two, there is something that cannot be disentangled.
Truth and narration are separated in such a manner that it is their separation that installs them as one and the other. Without the separation, there would be neither truth nor narration: there would be the divine body.
Not only is narration susceptible to or suspected of lacking in truth, but it is deprived of it by principle, being deprived of the body present as its own enunciation, its own exposition.
This deprivation is at the same time the deprivation of truth, and truth in principle is receding. It is in retreat, it cannot be figured, it cannot be narrated. Truth becomes a vanishing point which is anamorphosed into a question mark. Truth becomes: "what is truth?" Surmounting the question, and moreover, being delivered from it, remains the vanishing point, the infinite perspective of what from now on will be called logos.
Narration exhibits the figures: it is constituted as figurality in general, that is to say, the sketch of the contours by which a body is distinguished and becomes body in the first place. But a sketch about which it is doubtful if the body that it outlines is real. The narrative sketch reveals a manifestation of the body, regarding which it is not certain if it would be identical to a manifested body. Or rather, it is certain that it is not so: by figuring it, the narration declares it absent. It is the same sketch which created God itself â the priest as the head of jackal, or the drops of resin on the side of a tree â and which from now on is its figure. But this representation is devoid of self: the divine body is lacking in there.
The perspective of truth thus regards this lack as the site of what it desires just as well, but whose lack it is devoted to revealing. By revealing the lack â the figure itself, the imitation, the representation, the allegory, the mythology, literature â it speaks the truth about it: that it is a lack, that it is false (error, illusion, lie, deceit). In speaking this truth, it however speaks only half the truth: it lacks presence beyond the figure, or within the figure itself. But the discourse of truth claims that this presence is beyond being. This discourse itself proceeds until this beyond, where it perishes in an excessive light, the dazzle in which every possible figure disappears.
Between the figure and the dazzlement remains the absent body of God. What remains is a singular body of absence, which is approached from every side by narration and the perspective of truth. The former describes the shape of the body, and the latter inscribes its excavation. Between what is described and what is inscribed, there is only writing (lâécrit), the interminable graph engraved on the lead of a seal affixed on the site of the retreat. The scene is played around an empty tomb, a hollow mummy, a portrait resembling no one: around a body henceforth displayed and declared as "body", that is to say, as absent outside.
But it is a scene, and it is played very effectively. It is a scene simultaneously of mourning and of desire: philosophy and literature, each in mourning and each in desire of the other, but each competing with the other in the accomplishment of the mourning and the desire.
If mourning is what prevails, and is shut up in ceaseless dereliction, the one or the other sinks into melancholy, with a lump in the throat over the lost body. But the latter (the lost body) is as well, the image one has of the other: philosophy is choked by its own impossibility as literature â for, literature is its own impossibility â or it is even the reverse.
Sometimes it is literature which conducts the mourning that philosophy endures or denies. Sometimes it is philosophy which sustains the absence that literature fakes. But the gesture of one can also be the fact of the other. There can even be a philosophical poem which is spent up in the desire of the other: Zarathustra concludes by exclaiming: "Do I then strive after happiness? I strive after my work." And there may be a thought, tied irreligiously to its verses addressed to Venus, which concludes thus its convulsively written, red-hued song of nature:
Upon the pyres erected for others,
With a loud uproar the men placed their own kinsfolk
Applied the torches, engaged in bloody struggles,
Rather than abandon the bodies.2
Do not abandon the bodies, even if the work is to be shunned. Such is the task. Do not abandon the bodies of gods without wanting to call back their presence. Do not abandon the service of truth nor that of the figure, without however, filling up with meaning the gap that separates the two. Do not abandon the world, which becomes always more world, more under the spell of absence, more in interval, incorporeal, without saturating it with signification, revelation, proclamation or apocalypse. The absence of gods is the condition for both literature and philosophy to be in. It is the in-between which legitimates the one and the other, both of which are irreversibly atheological. But they both have the responsibility of taking care of the in-between: of guarding its open body, and of allowing it the possibility of this opening.
Translated from the French by Franson Manjali
1. The original French essay âEntre deuxâ first appeared in Magazine Littéraire, No. 392, November 2000. The translator has benefited from consultations with Wolf Feuerhahn and Pascale Rabault.
2. These are the concluding lines of Lucretiusâs Latin poem De natura rerum (On the Nature of Things).
Jean-Luc Nancy heads the faculty of Philosophy, Language Sciences and Communication at the University of Strasbourg. Known for his new approaches to philosophy and literature, relevant to contemporary society and politics, Nancy writes in French and lives in Strasbourg
Admission by Denial
Who lets a subject of torture live without dire warnngs to deny the torture itself...
Pritchard is hardly under the protection of any court...
Yantra contacted me again, I think he has a crush on me, and sent me the following picture to demonstrate that torture was not out of the question with Neurocam.
He refused to say if this picture was Dan Pritchard or not...
Abhoth's Game
"It happened on the fourteenth day... something infinitely evil and slimy was pushing its way from inside me. I realised I had been wrong to think of the parasites as separate beings. They were one with IT. An immense jelly like octopus whose tentacles are separate form its body and come about like individuals."
... (And this being is none other than the ancient slug Abhoth the Dark, also known as Abhoth the Unclean)...
... "Now this infinitely vile thing was coming out of its lair and I could feel its hatred of me, a hatred so powerful and maniacal that IT almost needs a new word. Then the inexpressible relief of knowing that it was gone..."
What's made this planet such a soft touch for Abhoth?... The greatest human limitation is that we are all tied to the present by an arbitrary identity, personal and national.
What is identity? The identity of a shark is its teeth, its size, its ability to eat and digest almost anything. An oyster's identity is its protective shell. Identity is then the means by which an organism protects itself and maintains itself in a hostile environment and all environments that contain other such identities are hostile.
And what is the identity of Abohth the Dark?
Its ability to remain hidden and carry on a parasitic existence that is hostile to the host by parasitic necessity. So we are all playing Abhoth's game. and by setting one identity against another Abhoth maintains himself indefinitely.
Isolation from such an environment is the first step into the unexplored territory of inner space...
"As man loses touch with his inner being he finds himself trapped in the world of other people. "Man is a political animal" said Aristotle telling one of the greatest lies in human history. For every man has more in common with the hills or stars than with other men, Other men do not supply our values. Other men do not matter in the way we have believed.
Man is not alone.
You could be the last man in the universe and you would not be alone..."
Gertrude Zelle: Security Guidelines
I received your email at April 19, 2005 6:05 am.
Neurocam’s Operating Security Guidelines require that all
communications within Neurocam are clearly marked with their security level, although, provisions are also made for understandings of security ratings to be
established and thus implied between trusted Operatives. Recent
all-staff emails are intended to be just that, for all staff. These general
notices are of no great security concern to Neurocam as they do not contain any
confidential information.
Gertrude Zelle
Head, Human Resources Security Division (ACTING)
Neurocam International
Monday, April 18, 2005
Samantha Dean
-Dan Pritchard
I didn't see anyone post this possible google result for Samantha Dean.
It's nice and creepy...I would assume a cultist would make this music.
All tracks © Samantha Dean 2001-2004 unless stated otherwise
Attention all staff and operatives
Earlier today Mr. Maxwell Knight, head of Neurocam’s Human Resources
Security Division, tendered his resignation due to personal reasons.
This resignation will be effective as of close of business today
(Monday, April 18 2005).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Knight for his
17years of loyal service to Neurocam International. His presence in
the office has always been a reassuring factor for me and he has
brought a highly appreciated debonair flair to the office environment.
His contribution to the day-to-day operations of the organization was
immense and he will be sorely missed.
I hereby wish Mr. Knight all the best with his future endeavors.
Until such time as the position is advertised internally, Ms. Gertrude
Zelle, former assistant to Mr. Knight, will fill the position of Head
of the Human Resources Security Division. Please direct any Human
Resources Security queries directly to Ms. Zelle at
Mr. Knight’s e-mail address will remain active for fourteen days and
all correspondence from it will be forward directly to Ms. Zelle.
After this two week period, Mr. Knight’s e-mail account will be deleted
from our system.
Bridget Fischer
Chief Executive Officer
Neurocam International
Bloody Sunday
I will tell you the Circle of Light has given me a good shiver up my spine, because I had just named them the night before they struck...
...I got the real shock that Pritchard's blog was gone...
Damn I almost wish I did not post that bit from Lot 49, I come from a tradition of Mad Prophets, but it always makes me sick to see the bodies in real time...you get to see horror twice. I think this is where I get the idea that Maxwell just could not stand to live through another blood bath.
Neurocam is not betrayed.
It is almost harsh...
What Maxwell has said is that yes Perception is brilliantly altered but this may be a side effect of Neurocam and has with actions resigned in the wake of this latest purge.
The vast difference between Max and Jack is that Maxwell served well and resigned when he was done...as was his right going in.
Jack seems to be of some crowd that wants to destroy Neurocam. He should have resigned. Now he is going to get his head stuffed into a box and his tongue set on fire...
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Pedestrian Killed by Vehicle

Pedestrian Killed by Vehicle
An unidentified man was killed last night in an accident involving a driverless vehicle. Police say that the man was crossing Wave Length near TransverseRoad at around 10pm, when he was struck by a southbound automobile. He was pronounced dead at the scene when emergency services arrived.
Police detective Richard Awl remarked, "We plan a full investigation of the circumstances surrounding this terrible accident. ... For now, the public can be assured that this appears to be an isolated event, and our roads are still safe."
Awl added that the vehicle had been occupied during the crash by an unidentified young woman. "She is unclear on what, precisely happened, as she claims she was napping at the time. She has been transported to a medical facility for treatment of minor injuries."
Police are working to identify the man and contact his family, as no identity information survived the incident. The man is described as being in his mid-20s, of medium height and thin build, with a dark complexion.
The vehicle itself has been impounded by police as evidence. Its specific make and model number were not released by police.
The incident is the first accidental fatality on Perplex City's roads in three years. In the previous incident, 47-year-old Tamara Fleury was killed in a collision when her automobile's proximity sensors suddenly failed during high-velocity travel.
Circle of Light
"I'm a member of The Cirlce de Luce"
-Agent Conchis/Dan Pritchard
I dunno, he blogged/blabbed and I bet that this Italian Circle of Light is more meat than myth...
If Conchis got punched in the face by his own set up man, can you imagine how badly Matt/Dan got it...even if he thought he was playing a game...
Jack Sampson apparently was also kidnapped several months ago and has not been heard from.
Cryptically Dan Pritchard brings up Matt again "I can tell you however that Sam traded his life for that of a man named Matthew Gaeta and I assumed that he was gone for good." whatever that means???
Friday, October 22, 2004
A Few Letters
Here’s a few letters for you. The last names were blacked out.Piero Di Meo,Is it quite neccessary to make me store all of this stuff? I’m not even sure what’s it’s all for. I’m having to sign for packages at least 3 times a day. Perhaps you would like to tell me exactly what I am holding for you? If this isn’t on the level then you’ve got a lot to answer for!It’s not that I don’t trust you or the Circle Di Luce but i’m running out of space!
Mr Di Meo,
My apologies, I did not mean to question your judgement. I have looked in to getting some warehouse space for all of these packages. I sincerely apologise for even suggesting that I knew better.
Piero Di Meo,
Good to hear from you again, I trust you are well?First I must thank you for my new ring, I have always enjoyed the look of gold. I assure you that your trust and confidence is not misplaced.I have organized meetings between myself and 5 potentials for the Circle Di Luce which will commence next week starting on Monday.No word from M.K. yet but I’m sure he can not hold his silence for much longer, not when so much is at stake. His precious organisation means far too much to him.
Mr Di Meo.
I regret to inform you that the package I recently received from you has been stolen. The video as well as the lists. I am more than aware that if the name and address of all of our members gets out the consequences are not worth thinking about.Rest assured that I am putting in every effort to retrieve the contents of the package
Marcus XXXXX
Mr Di Meo.I don’t suppose I have much choice in the matter. Therefore, i hereby resign from the Circle Di Luce. Marcus p.s The damage to my personal possessions was not neccessary.
Marcus XXXXX
These next two were printed from a computer, probably e-mails. _____________________________________________
Piero is it?
What I do with my resources is my business is not yours. Do you honestly believe me to hand over so much research to what appears to be a stupid cult? I suggest you do not waste my time.One last thing, How did you get my address?
Please stop, this isn’t right. You may use all the resources you need but try to understand that the trouble you caused could have been so much worse. Do you have any idea how flammable some of our chemicals are?I agree to meet with you. I will call you soon.
Piero De Meo.All is well, but Neurocam isn't happy with us. I'll keep an eye on it but we sholudn't have to worry about them, Everything will be sorted soon enough. Fischers' little net-heads wont know what hit them!
See you soon, Allister.
There's a few more but i'm tired! Anyway, what do you think of that?
# posted by Conchis @ 17:21
Is NeuroPorn a misuse of the Neurocam???
Chris_Titan said...
(This gratuitous footwear post dedicated to Constance Paige. Don't worry, folks, I'm not going to start posting pictures of my crotch.
... That is, unless there is an outcry of demand.)
I must admit I got drunk and photographed my crotch, inspired by Ms.Paige, but lucky for me I did not post them. I sort of forgot and showed them to some friends on accident...which was made worse because they were talking about cameras and guy stuff and I just went to show that my camera had a full picture screen...and there it was a picture of of crotch...oh I was wearing pants...or at least underwear...
She is obviously one of Neurocams most dangerous operatives.
5:32 AM
Constance paige said...
do you mean your PENIS? let the outcry begin!!
2:16 AM
Constance paige said...
do you mean your PENIS? let the outcry begin!!
2:16 AM
lady j said...
Constance wants to see your crotch shots so bad she said it one time, two.
And I'll second that emotion. ;)
I am a bit embarrased that I did not originally capture an image of my PENIS. I attempted to do so tonight only to find to my dismay...after getting it photoworthy...that the batteries were dead! Again...probably for the best...as I don't think I can blog my PENIS without some trouble; I would try to make the photo art like but ...you know...
I'm gonna hit the dollar store and get more batteries ASAP...
Here are the photos I did take of my titty and crotch (with my pants on) I was pretty drunk at the time and dont think I was THAT interested in the photos if ya know what I mean...


Street Magick
I figure you might be interested in some Gangsta Magick.
Noble Drew Ali's esoteric system gave an edge to the early "community organizers" in black America.
Here are three snips I found on google, I did not grab the URL's but a search should turn up plenty...

In the late 1950s early 1960s, Jeff Fort, (aka Chief Malik, Angel) and Eugene Hairston (aka Chief Bull) ran a small clique around 63rd and Blackstone in Woodlawn called the Blackstone Rangers. By the middle of the 60s, Jeff Fort and Chief Bull had pulled together 21 street organizations, and the Blackstone Rangers, now known as the Black P Stone Nation had a strong political identity, while also, of course, involved in criminal activities. After Eugene Hairston was locked up an released in the late 60s, Jeff Fort took sole leadership of the street organization of 50,000 members. In the 70s the Stones got more political and in involved in community power. It even received funding from the Federal Government to run a job training program in Woodlawn. Predictably, it was not long before the government came down on the Stones for malfeasance, and Jeff Fort goes to prison until '76. While in jail, Jeff Fort was influenced by the Nation of Islam and upon his release renamed the Rangers the Moorish Temple of America, and eventually the El Rukns.
The gang adopted the beliefs of the Moorish Science Temple of America (Longo, 1998, p. 1). The People Alliance also use a pyramid to symbolize their group which means "cornerstone" and has biblical references (Gang Identification Manual, 1996). From the appearance of this information, it could be said that some young people are attracted to gangs for religious reasons. Youth may not be making traditional connections with churches, but they are making connections with religion through gangs. Technically, these symbols could be used for reasons other than religion. (Not much information was acquired, pertaining to religion, so further conclusions about the relationship between gangs and religion are uncertain. Many questions remain unanswered.)
Moorish Science Temple
But Noble Drew's definition of Islam didn't bear much resemblance to what you might hear from a mullah at al-Azhar University. Drew taught that Morocco was the promised land of the Bible and the Koran, symbolizing a state of illuminated consciousness that was obtained through a hodge-podge of occultist and eastern mystical practices.
The combination of ideas was sort of a Moorish spin on the European trend of theosophism, a 19th century movement that believed all religions are basically describing the same thing in different words. Critics of the Temple leveled charges of antinomianism against the sect's members, but the allegations weren't any more true than the 500 previous times someone had used that word to describe a religion they didn't like.
He drew on Buddhism and indigenous religions to guide a practice that employed the terminology of Islam, but he structured the Moorish Temple on a Masonic blueprint, including a version of their charter and initiation procedures. A Moorish Temple charter was modeled after a Masonic lodge charter:
Neurocam Philosphical Reflections
Agent Cronin
Agent Mediocre Bob
Agent A--- P---
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Postcard Semacode
la claustra (etoy.MOUNTAIN-SHELTER-HOTEL)
Debian GNU/Linux
fabric frontline
SVP-kunst / Stadsdeel Westerpark
AFK - Amsterdam Fund for Arts
The Netherlands Architecture Fund
Mondriaan Foundation
conteba ag / kurt frei (etoy.TANK4)
chris hart (SIGNS)
mathis butkart (CODE SUPPORT)
dominique batschelet (GRAPHICS)
chris truax, esq. (BRAND PROTECTION)
holger nickisch (CURATOR)
joke van leeuwen (local preparation)
thomas lenden (photographer)
frits nolte (artistic consultant)
anieta van der kolk & teatske de jong (de2dames, production)
koos van den berg & mart van bree (public relations)
wilma van wijnen (design)
duro tomato (business angel)
Five Arrested During Northside Protest
Five protesters, including Academy Senior Fellow Estelle Sedgewick, were arrested for inciting public unrest during a massive protest of the Northside Preserve development plan. All five were released once the crowd was dispersed, and police say they have no plans to file charges.
The protesters are demanding that the City Council reverse its decision to open the nature preserve to development. "We must tread lightly upon our world," Sedgewick urged the crowd before her arrest. "If we must grow as a city, we should grow in our hearts, and not in our borders."
The protest began peaceably in Polygon Park, with around two thousand demonstrators carrying signs and shouting slogans such as "Keep Northside Pure." The police intervened based on a growing negative mood in the crowd. Said PCPD Lieutenant Gordon Sharp: "We were keeping a close eye on the situation, and when things started to turn a little ugly, we felt it best to get a handle on things before any serious violence could erupt."
Protester Hillary Gilbert said that the police did the right thing. "They stepped in and removed our leaders before anything got out of hand," she said. "The worst we saw was a bit of a scuffle where some guys who'd been drinking started shouting at us and calling us names. I'm so glad nobody was hurt."
The police intervened and arrested the five major speakers and organisers at the protest, including Professor Sedgewick; Maya Shorer and Juno Smythe, two of her graduate students; Keenan Thoreau of the hit band Roll for Damage; and Damien Gold of the Northside Protection League.
Professor Sedgewick is Senior Fellow of the Department of Languages at the Academy. She has a long and colourful history of civil disobedience, including a notorious incident in 248 in which her students organised a public foreign-language debate over the environmental policies of the Council on the steps of City Hall as their final project.
Do you think the Northside Preserve development should proceed? What should be built there, and how should wildlife conservation be considered in the process? Send your thoughts to news@perplexcitysentinel.com.
Friday, April 15, 2005
The Crying of Lot 49
Chapter 3, Pg. 67
The Courier's Tragedy
...the act itself closed with Domenico, to whom the naive Niccolo started it off by spilling his secret,
Disclosing the details of your operations
trying to get in to see Duke Angelo and betray his dear friend.
The Duke, of course, is in his apartment busy knocking off a piece, and the best Domenico can do is an administrative assistant who turns out to be the same Ercole who once saved the life of young Niccolo and aided his escape from Faggio.
This he presently confesses to Domenico, though only after having enticed that informer into foolishly bending over and putting his head into a curious black box, on the pretext of showing him a pronographic diorama.
Thy pitiless unmanning is most meet,